Happy Thanksgiving!
Reminder there is NO school Thurs Nov 24 and Fri Nov 25
Classes Resume Mon Nov 28

Reminder there will be No School and office will be closed this Friday, November 18, as MHS will be hosting the 30th Annual George McGovern Tournament.

Reminder that there is no school and MHS office will be closed Friday, November 11, 2022 in observance of Veterans Day .

Attention all MHS, Second Chance Students and Parents.
Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday October 13
Questions? Call the office @ 995-3034

Mitchell High School will host a financial aid night for all parents and seniors during Parent Teacher Conferences (Thurs Oct 13). The financial aid meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in Room 145. If you want to complete your FAFSA that evening, be sure to bring all 2021 income tax information!!

Reminder: No School Monday October 10. Classes Resume Tuesday October 11.

Mark Your Calendars!
MHS Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday October 13, 2022
Questions? Call the office @ 995-3034

MHS Homecoming Football tonight @ 7pm, Marching Band lights out show following the game! Go Kernels !!

Powder Puff Football Game Tonight !
8pm Joe Quintal Field

Homecoming Coronation TONIGHT 7pm at the Performing Arts Center Livestream available: https://youtu.be/8lEOepPbkQg

Homecoming Coronation TONIGHT
Monday, September 19th 7:00 pm
Performing Arts Center
Burning of the “M”- Directly following conclusion of coronation
South Parking Lot

Dress Up Days, Coronation, Burning of the “M”, Pep Rally and Football Game!
Check daily for details!

Picture Retake Day TODAY!
Wed Sept 14. 7:30am - 11:00am South Lobby

7th Annual Kernel Bowl!
Sat Sept 3
Volleyball, Soccer, Football,
Marching Band, Food, Fireworks!
Theme is Neon!

Congratulations Kernel Volleyball!
Mitchell 3 •. Sturgis 1

Football: Varsity Game TONIGHT!!
Friday, Aug 26, 2022 7:00pm
vs. Yankton @ Mitchell High School
Mitchell High School - Joe Quintal Field

Girls Volley Ball TODAY
Fri Aug 26
JV @ 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Varsity @ 5:00pm - 7:00pm
vs. Sturgis @ Mitchell High School - MHS - Main Gym

The MHS Marching Band Parent/Community Show is THIS EVENING Tuesday, August 23rd at 7PM at Joe Quintal Stadium. Their competition program entitled “Voodoo". This event is open and free to the public and we encourage any band supporter to come out and enjoy the evening with us!

WELCOME STUDENTS, TEACHERS and STAFF to the First Day of School!

Auditions for the fall musical, XANADU!!!,
Thursday, August 18th and Friday, August 19th from 3:40-5:30
at the PAC show choir practice room. Audition forms for actors and applications for Technical Crew are available from Mrs. Miller, #108, and Mr. McGraw, PAC. Students will sing and give a cold reading.
Hope to see you there!!!