REMINDER-No School March 15, 16 and 20th!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
no school
Thank you to the boys basketball team for stopping by. Good luck at state!!!! GOOOO KERNELS!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
let’s go kernels
Don't miss our kindergarten registration days!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
The Mitchell high school girls basketball team bus made a quick pitstop at Longfellow so we could wish them luck. One of our amazing fifth grade teachers, Miss Mertens, is a girls basketball coach! Check out the video of our special guests. Our classes made signs and posters to hand out to the players so they can feel the love while they are away. We are so excited for all of you and wish you the best at state! We know you will make us proud!!! LET'S GO KERNELS!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
Good luck at State Basketball, girls! We are so excited for you. Coach Mertens, we're your biggest fans!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
5th Grade Showchoir Date April 4th
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
It's Read Across America week! Let's celebrate with some dress-up days! Wednesday, March 1st -- Read My Shirt Day - Wear a shirt with words. Thursday, March 2nd -- Wild About Reading Day - Wear clothes with animals/animal print. Friday, March 3rd -- Cozy Up with a Good Book - PJ Day!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary
Read Across America
The snow on our roof is over 2 second-graders tall! The kites might look a little out of place now but it won't be too long and we'll be thinking Spring!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
think spring
PLEASE NOTE: The Longfellow Family BINGO night is postponed until March 31, from 5:30-7:00 pm. This event is free to our families. Pizza and pop will be available for purchase, along with candy sales from the LO Student Council. Popcorn will be available as well. We hope to see you there and hope that weather won't be a factor!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary
To stay up to date on any possible weather related school announcements, please download the school district app and be sure to select that you want to recieve notifications from Longfellow and Mitchell School District.
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
dist app
CORRECTION: No school Friday 2/17/23 4 day weekend!!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
NO School
Remember: NO SCHOOL Monday 2/20/2023 See you Tuesday 2/21/23
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
No School
It's time to get next year's kindergarteners on the list. If your child turns 5 before 9/1/23, get signed up now!! We can't wait to meet our newest lions!
almost 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
Longfellow is FULL of info today! Do you have a kiddo who is ready for kindergarten next year? It's time to start getting ready for it. Get your child's name on the list today! Student must turn 5 BEFORE September 1st 2023 to attend kindergarten or begindergarten. Longfellow Jumpstart Dates: March 28th OR March 30th Times: 5:30 OR 6:30
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
Check out the Kernel Klub basketball teams!!
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
IMPORTANT!!! Date change for 5th grade showchoir concert!
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
Thank you for making this a successful book fair. You may continue to purchase through Feb 9th at the online fair.
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
Thank You
* Please note change of time on Tuesday and Wednesday's LO Book Fair! Parents: Tuesday, January 31st and Wednesday, February 1st is Parent/GRANDparent days at the Book Fair. Doors will be open at 7:00 am. Please come and have a donut, coffee or juice and shop with some of your favorite kids. Hope to see you soon!!! Mrs. Coats
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary
Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up. Join the PTO in providing supper for the teachers that evening.
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD
Thank you teachers
Help build bolder readers by empowering them with book choice. Imaginations soar at our Scholastic Book Fair! Starting tomorrow, Monday, January 30th-February 3rd. Online Sales: Jan 30th-Feb 9th #ScholasticBookFairs
about 2 years ago, Longfellow Elementary-Mitchell SD