See you at Conferences Tonight!!

It's time to start thinking about kindergarten!!! Yes, yes it is! Even if you do not know which school your child should attend, fill out the form and we will take care of the rest. Once we have your address, the correct school will add you to their list. You can expect packets to arrive late February!.

Well, we got a little ahead of ourselves today. The PTO meeting is TOMORROW @3:30. We just have so much going on this week. Sorry for the confusion!

Longfellow PTO Meeting today @3:30 pm. Please join us!

January. WOWSERS! We sure packed a lot into a seemingly short month. Please check out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We're actually starting to discuss end of the year activities so start watching the newsletter for information regarding our busy calendar. https://secure.smore.com/u/longfellow

Join us for the Book Fair, next week!!

And.....he's gone again. Our kindergarteners caught him....finally!! He's been leaving them treats all year long. They've been setting traps for him every 10 days!! He played with our Lions for a bit and then, quick as a flash, was off again! Thank you, Zero, for visiting us!

WE CAUGHT HIM!!! Zero the Hero was at Longfellow!! And on the 100th day too!! WOW. What a thrill. Mrs. H tried first but he wriggled away. Finally, our kindergarten smarties got him on the playground. What a blast! Thank you, Zero (AKA Mayor Hanson) for being a Hero for our Lions today!

100 days of learning! 100 days of fun! And for our kindergarteners, 100 days of being a proud LION!

We are B.U.S.Y. at Longfellow with a lot going on. Sometimes you can't do everything so pick one or do them all. Stay informed by watching our website, Facebook page, flyers from school, teacher weekly newsletters or monthly school newsletter.

Longfellow is PROUD to announce our Teacher and Classified Staff of the Year! Mrs. Stacey Hofer teaches 1st grade and Mrs. Kristina Bartscher is a paraeducator. Both of these ladies have such kind, caring and humble demeanors. They are not the first to speak up, but are the first to be of service. We applaud all of the amazing teachers and staff of Longfellow and are so excited to have these wonderful Longfellow Family Members representing us! Congratulations!!!

As a parent, it's important to know how schools are helping your child thrive. MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) is a framework that provides the right support at the right time for every student—whether they need extra help, enrichment, or challenge. Learn how educators use MTSS to ensure no child falls through the cracks and helps each one reach their full potential.

**Candy Grams**
Candy Grams are a great way to send a little joy to a special person at Longfellow! Our student council will be collecting your order, along with $2. You can choose between Starbursts, Skittles, Hersheys, Snickers, or Resses. Orders are due by Feb. 7th and all Candy Grams will be delivered on Feb. 13th. This is a terrific way to send a little joy to a friend, special someone, grandchild, etc!!
Order forms are due to Miss Mertens and Miss Kayser.
The office can also help if you want to keep it a secret from your Valen-Lion!

Kernel Klub Boys Basketball sign up. Due Feb 17th!

We know you LOVE the teachers and staff at Longfellow Elementary!! Thank you for the Teacher and Staff of the Year nominations you've turned in. They are due FRIDAY, January 10th!. They were sent home with students on Monday but you may pick up another copy in the office or contact us and we will send one home with your student today. You may also click the links below and complete the nomination form out online. It's that easy! We love to hear how YOU feel a teacher or other staff member has made an impact on your child. They work with children because they know they can affect the lives of young people. Please let them know how they've made a difference!

Let the teachers and staff at Longfellow know how amazing they are!!! Teacher and Staff of the Year forms are due THIS FRIDAY. Stop at the office for a form or use the QR code. Please look on Facebook, our website or our newsletter for links as well.

Our January newsletter is so full of pictures and fun. We hope you'll take some time to look through it. December was a month with lots of activities for both students and staff. However, we look forward to seeing our Lions again on January 6th and getting back to a much calmer routine. https://secure.smore.com/n/0rjy2

Longfellow knows how to show R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Check out the latest video in the KERNELS series. This one features Longfellow! We are so proud of our Lions! We challenge the Middle School to show us N which stands for No EXCUSES! We know they'll have some great examples of persistence!